Aloe vera, my precious plant …

I’m starting my first article with a plant with a thousand virtues that I’m particularly fond of: Aloe Vera.

In Latin, Vera means “true, authentic”, is composed of over 200 nutrients and has been named by many civilizations as the elixir of long life.

I discovered it on my trip to Chile 3 years ago, and it’s now part of my daily health and beauty routine.


My experience

The first time it was recommended to me, I was in Chile and following a urinary infection I had to take antibiotics… Antibiotics+sun= 🙁

This is one of the countries most affected by the depletion of the ozone layer…

The black sunglasses I was wearing at the time exacerbated the photosensitizing effect and I ended up with sunglasses marks in the form of brown spots … despite my sun precautions, factor 50 all the time. Nice …

Once brown spots have appeared, it’s very, very difficult to get rid of them …even almost impossible and on the face it’s really very … embarrassing …!!!

A Chilean friend, Almendra, gave me this plant as a gift and recommended that I cut off a small piece of the branch to use the gel that comes out and apply it directly to the spots in a thick layer every night. The branch can then be stored in the fridge for about a week.



When you cut the branch, you’ll find a thick, transparent gel that’s a little sticky, but has no odor. It sure makes a change from those ready-made tubes of cream!

This gel can be applied all over the body, the texture is quite pleasant and it penetrates very quickly.the first sensation when applied to the face is that of a slight lift and intense hydration of the skin.
You’ll feel your skin tightened and smoothed, but you’ll also notice that it activates circulation and gives you a pretty, fresh complexion.

My routine

I use it in the evening as a serum before my moisturizer and occasionally as a thick layer for a mask.

But also

Massage on legs and feet in summer, after putting it in the fridge, to boost circulation and soothe heavy legs.

To reduce scarring.
Soothes sunburn.
Or reduce and relieve skin irritation, or for some, eczema.


My results

Even skin tone

As far as spots are concerned, I’ve noticed a moderate improvement with Aloe vera, but it’s not enough. I’d talk more about an overall improvement in complexion.

I’ll be sharing with you other complementary techniques that have really helped me, not to get rid of them completely because that’s impossible – they’ll always reappear with the sun, but to reduce them considerably. Today, I no longer wear foundation to hide them.

Antioxidant and fights skin ageing

The strongest point for me, which is indisputable, is the regenerating power of this plant: the skin is firmer and smoother.
I noticed that the fine lines around my eyes had diminished.
A healthy-glow effect.

So it’s a great natural anti-aging serum at a low cost.
I also highly recommend it for acne-prone skin with scars.



Of course, you won’t be carrying your aloe vera branch in your toiletry bag! 😉
Here’s the version I use in a tube that you can find in any organic store, preferably kept in the fridge.

Price: approx. 10 euros per 125 ml.



Now that I’m addicted to this plant, I drink it too… and yes!

So I became increasingly interested in the properties of this marvellous plant, which stimulates the immune system and helps me through periods of overwork and fatigue.

It’s also an excellent anti-inflammatory, helping to combat intestinal inflammation, and an excellent antioxidant, to be used as a supplement during a detox cure, for example.

It is so powerful that it helps to combat various free radicals and is thought to reduce the side effects of certain cancer treatments such as radiotherapy.


Drink aloe vera

Drinkable aloe vera is available in bottle form, again in organic stores.
It must be properly referenced as Cold-stabilized natural-state gel .
So there’s no loss of vitamins and nutrients. Keep refrigerated.

Price: Approximately 12 euros




My routine

I do one-month cures 3 times a year with 3 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach.

I’d better warn you right away, it’s really not good!…
I recommend mixing it in a glass with squeezed orange juice … you’ll understand why … but you get used to it!

And the benefits are so many and so pleasant that you can’t get enough of them!
However, it is not advisable to extract the juice from the leaves and drink it directly.


My results

Slimmer, lighter legs

Like a lot of women, I don’t have very good blood circulation, with slight water retention. During the cures, I notice that my legs are thinner and lighter.

The reason is simple but effective: aloe vera helps detoxify organs, including the liver, a very important organ, and thus promotes blood and lymphatic exchange.


A flatter stomach

Aloe helps detoxify the intestinal villi, enabling better absorption of nutrients.

If you’re prone to stomach aches or other digestive problems, this one will do you a world of good, when we know that 70% of our health problems are due to dysfunction of our digestive system.


Healing and prevention

I also recommend it after chiropractic surgery to limit oedemas and promote tissue healing.
You’ll quickly notice a sensation of regeneration throughout your body!

Now it’s your turn to try!






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Fashion & Beauty

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